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各種規模錦標賽詳細數據: (數字過多, 自行翻看)


最大50人 卡數 金幣 普通/稀有/史詩/傳說概率

第1: 30 150-210 22.98/6/1/0.02

第2: 20 100-140 15.32/4/0.67/0.016

第3: 15 75-105 11.49/3/0.5/0.01

第4-第10: 10 50-70 7.66/2/0.33/0.007

第11-第20: 8 40-56 6.13/1.6/0.27/0.005


最大80人 卡數 金幣 普通/稀有/史詩/傳說概率

第1: 60 300-420 45.96/12/2/0.04

第2: 40 200-280 30.65/8/1.33/0.027

第3: 30 150-210 22.98/6/1/0.02

第4-第10: 15 75-105 11.49/3/0.5/0.01

第11-第20: 12 60-84 9.19/2.4/0.4/0.008

第21-第30: 10 50-70 7.66/2/0.33/0.007

第31-第40: 8 40-56 6.13/1.6/0.27/0.005


最大120人 卡數 金幣 普通/稀有/史詩/傳說概率

1st 120 600-840 91.92/24/4/0.08

2nd 80 400-560 61.28/16/2.67/0.053

3rd 60 300-420 45.96/12/2/0.04

4th to 10th 25 125-175 19.15/5/0.83/0.017

11th to 20th 20 100-140 15.32/4/0.67/0.016

21st to 30th 15 75-105 11.49/3/0.5/0.01

31st to 40th 12 60-84 9.19/2.4/0.4/0.008

41st to 50th 10 50-70 7.66/2/0.33/0.007

51st to 60th 8 40-56 6.13/1.6/0.27/0.005


最大200人 卡數 金幣 普通/稀有/史詩/傳說概率

1st 300 1500-2100 229.8/60/10/0.2

2nd 200 1000-1400 153.2/40/6.67/0.133

3rd 150 750-1050 114.9/30/5/0.1

4th to 10th 60 300-420 45.96/12/2/0.04

11th to 20th 45 225-315 34.47/9/1.5/0.03

21st to 30th 35 175-245 26.81/7/1.17/0.023

31st to 40th 30 150-210 22.98/6/1/0.02

41st to 50th 25 125-175 19.15/5/0.83/0.017

51st to 60th 20 100-140 15.32/4/0.67/0.016

61st to 70th 15 75-105 11.49/3/0.5/0.01

71st to 80th 12 60-84 9.19/2.4/0.4/0.008

81st to 90th 10 50-70 7.66/2/0.33/0.007

91st to 100th 8 40-56 6.13/1.6/0.27/0.005


最大300人 卡數 金幣 普通/稀有/史詩/傳說概率

1st 600 3000-4200 459.6/120/20/0.4

2nd 400 2000-2800 306.4/80/13.33/0.267

3rd 300 1500-2100 229.8/60/10/0.2

4th to 10th 140 700-980 107.2/28/4.67/0.093

11th to 20th 100 500-700 76.6/20/3.33/0.067

21st to 30th 70 350-490 53.6/14/2.33/0.047

31st to 40th 55 275-385 42.1/11/1.83/0.037

41st to 50th 40 200-280 30.65/8/1.33/0.027

51st to 60th 30 150-210 22.98/6/1/0.02

61st to 70th 20 100-140 15.32/4/0.67/0.016

71st to 80th 15 75-105 11.49/3/0.5/0.01

81st to 90th 12 60-84 9.19/2.4/0.4/0.008

91st to 100th 10 50-70 7.66/2/0.33/0.007

101st to 150th 8 40-56 6.13/1.6/0.27/0.005


最大500人 卡數 金幣 普通/稀有/史詩/傳說概率

1st 1200 6000-8400 919.2/240/40/0.8

2nd 800 4000-5600 612.7/160/26.7/0.533

3rd 600 3000-4200 459.6/120/20/0.4

4th to 10th 270 1350-1890 206.8/54/9/0.18

11th to 20th 200 1000-1400 153.2/40/6.67/0.133

21st to 30th 140 700-980 107.2/28/4.67/0.093

31st to 40th 100 500-700 76.6/20/3.33/0.067

41st to 50th 75 375-525 57.5/15/2.5/0.05

51st to 60th 50 250-350 38.3/10/1.67/0.033

61st to 70th 35 175-245 26.81/7/1.17/0.023

71st to 80th 25 125-175 19.15/5/0.83/0.017

81st to 90th 20 100-140 15.32/4/0.67/0.016

91st to 100th 15 75-105 11.49/3/0.5/0.01

101st to 150th 12 60-84 9.19/2.4/0.4/0.008

151st to 200th 10 50-70 7.66/2/0.33/0.007

201st to 250th 8 40-56 6.13/1.6/0.27/0.005


最大600人 卡數 金幣 普通/稀有/史詩/傳說概率

1st 3000 15000-21000 2298/600/100/2

2nd 2000 10000-14000 1532/400/66.7/1.33

3rd 1500 7500-10500 1149/300/50/1

4th to 10th 700 3500-4900 536.2/140/23.3/0.467

11th to 20th 550 2750-3850 421.3/110/18.3/0.367

21st to 30th 400 2000-2800 306.4/80/13.33/0.267

31st to 40th 270 1350-1890 206.8/54/9/0.18

41st to 50th 180 900-1260 137.9/36/6/0.12

51st to 60th 130 650-910 99.6/26/4.33/0.087

61st to 70th 90 450-630 26.81/18/3/0.06

71st to 80th 60 300-420 45.96/12/2/0.04

81st to 90th 45 225-315 34.47/9/1.5/0.03

91st to 100th 30 150-210 22.98/6/1/0.02

101st to 150th 20 100-140 15.32/4/0.67/0.016

151st to 200th 14 70-98 10.72/2.8/0.47/0.009

201st to 250th 10 50-70 7.66/2/0.33/0.007

251st to 300th 8 40-56 6.13/1.6/0.27/0.005


最大800人 卡數 金幣 普通/稀有/史詩/傳說概率

1st 6000 30000-42000 4596/1200/200/4

2nd 4000 20000-28000 3064/800/133.3/2.67

3rd 3000 15000-21000 2298/600/100/2

4th to 10th 1400 7000-9800 1072/280/46.7/0.933

11th to 20th 1100 5500-7700 842.6/220/36.7/0.733

21st to 30th 800 4000-5600 612.7/160/26.7/0.533

31st to 40th 550 2750-3850 421.3/110/18.3/0.367

41st to 50th 390 1950-2730 298.7/78/13/0.26

51st to 60th 270 1350-1890 206.8/54/9/0.18

61st to 70th 180 900-1260 137.9/36/6/0.12

71st to 80th 130 650-910 99.6/26/4.33/0.087

81st to 90th 90 450-630 26.81/18/3/0.06

91st to 100th 65 325-455 49.8/13/2.17/0.043

101st to 150th 45 225-315 34.47/9/1.5/0.03

151st to 200th 30 150-210 22.98/6/1/0.02

201st to 250th 20 100-140 15.32/4/0.67/0.016

251st to 300th 15 75-105 11.49/3/0.5/0.01

301st to 350th 10 50-70 7.66/2/0.33/0.007

351st to 400th 8 40-56 6.13/1.6/0.27/0.005


最大1000人 卡數 金幣 普通/稀有/史詩/傳說概率

1st 15000 75000-105,000 11490/3000/500/10

2nd 10000 50000-70000 7660/2000/333.3/6.67

3rd 7500 37500-52500 5745/1500/250/5

4th to 10th 3600 18000-25200 2758/720/120/2.4

11th to 20th 2800 14000-19600 2145/560/93.3/1.87

21st to 30th 2100 10500-14700 1609/420/70/1.4

31st to 40th 1600 8000-11200 1226/320/53.3/1.07

41st to 50th 1100 5500-7700 842.6/220/36.7/0.73

51st to 60th 800 4000-5600 612.7/160/26.7/0.533

61st to 70th 500 2500-3500 383/100/16.7/0.333

71st to 80th 360 1800-2520 275.8/72/12/0.24

81st to 90th 240 1200-1680 183.8/48/8/0.16

91st to 100th 180 900-1260 137.9/36/6/0.12

101st to 150th 120 600-840 91.92/24/4/0.08

151st to 200th 90 450-630 26.81/18/3/0.06

201st to 250th 60 300-420 45.96/12/2/0.04

251st to 300th 40 200-280 30.6













